Paduan Suara Santa Angela sukses meraih Gold Prize Kategori Children Choir (Under-18); Category Winner of Children Choir (Under-18); Best Interpretation of Set Piece (Set Piece The Rainbow by Nakanishi Akane); Gold Prize Kategori Folklore – Second Place of the Category; dan Grand Prix Winner of 5th Tokyo International Choir Competition.
Sementara itu Paduan Suara Unpad berhasil meraih Gold Prize Kategori Contemporary Music; Category Winner Kategori Contemporary Music; dan Best Interpretation of Contemporary Music Pieces Award.
Untuk Paduan Suara SMA 15 Surabaya (Libels Voice) meraih Gold Prize Kategori Contemporary Music – Third Place of the Category; Gold Prize Kategori Folklore – Third Place of the Category; and Best Interpretation of Set Piece (Set Piece The Dreams of the Dreamer by David Walters).