JPU Tuntut Malek Hafian 3 Tahun Penjara


“Menjatuhkan pidana penjara terhadap Terdakwa Malek Hafian Alias Hafian Malek selama 3 tahun dikurangi dengan masa penahanan yang telah dijani oleh terdakwa,” ucap Tutur masih dalam pembacaan tuntutan.

Selanjutnya sidang dengan nomor perkara 823/Pid.B/2023/PN JKT.TIM ini akan dilanjutkan dengan agenda pledoi atau pembelaan pada hari Selasa 6 Februari 2024 mendatang.

Response (1)


    My name is Aziz Badawi, I’m 27 year old man from Palestine. Our town has recently evacuated due
    to bombardments by Israel, now I am staying at a shelter with my 6 year old daughter Nadia. My wife is
    dead and I’m the only one left to take care of my daughter as we are not allowed to depart to my parents house
    in Nablus, she is sick with a congenital heart defect and I have no way to afford the medicine she needs anymore.
    People here at the shelter are much in the same conditions as ourselves…

    I’m looking for a kind soul who can help us with a donation, any amount will help even 1$ we will
    save money to get her medicine, the doctor at the shelter said if I can’t find a way to get her the
    medication she needs her little heart may give out during the coming weeks.

    If you wish to help me and my daughter please make any amount donation in bitcoin cryptocurrency
    to this bitcoin wallet: bc1qcfh092j2alhswg8jr7fr7ky2sd7qr465zdsrh8

    If you cannot donate please forward this message to your friends, thank you to everyone who’s helping me and my daughter.

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